AMAZONIEN2026 (2026)
I'm standing here in the middle of the rainforest and I don't know who I am! I look inside my dreams, I utter your name, I drink the clear water that flows from your entrails and let you embrace me with your fresh winds... You are here, amazing jungle... You are ever - present in all your immensity... I want to touch your skin slowly and tenderly. I want to kiss your innermost skin which is covered with precious woods. Beautiful birds sing and twitter your name. I am overwhelmed with you. I have you in my heart, amazing Amazon rainforest

Homme -food/homeless (2017)
Homme -food/homeless eine abstrakte”architektonische Form “Sie deutet auf das Streben des Homosapiens seinen Raum “Habitat” zu suchen. Die Ästhetisierung, Bewertung und die Begrenzung des Raumes ist geboren!! .